Current Year Policy Actions

Policy actions approved during the current fiscal year are listed below by category, with a brief summary and link to each ARP.  Policy actions which result in combining two or more ARPs are listed under the consolidated section.


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ARP 9.01 - Staff Probationary Period: Amendment eliminates requirement for employees who accept a new job, promotion, or transfer within NMSU to serve an additional probationary period and "initial or subsequent” is removed, in reference to probationary periods.

ARP 9.05 - Staff Performance Evaluations: Amendment clarifies circumstances in which an evaluation should be performed and method.  It eliminates requirement for second level approval and supervisor signature when designated to another responsible official. The 10 day allowance for employee review is eliminated.  The 15 day restriction is lifted, allowing time for an employee to provide a performance evaluation addendum.  Clarifing language informs that probationary and temporary status employees have no performance appeal or grievance rights.

ARP 4.55 - Grades Report: Amendment removes the PR "Progress in Graduate Research" grade and replaces it with “S” as a permanent notation on the student’s transcript to designate final degree certification.

ARP 10.60 - Review of Faculty Grievances: Amendment increases the elected Faculty Grievance Review Board membership from 13 to 25 to reduce burden on members.

ARP 3.80 - Hazing, Bullying, Harassment, and Other Hostile Misconduct: Revision enhances language to effectively communicate prohibited conduct/behavior of hazing, bullying, harassment and other hostile misconduct on or off-campus, online or remote.  It clarifies the duty to report, in good faith, violations of policy or any related laws.  It reinforces the prohibition of retaliation against individuals for reporting or against individuals participating in administrative processes related to enforcement of the policy or related laws. Informs of reporting requirements, reporting options, contact information, and method in which to submit a report/compliant for a violation or incident, based on the type of occurrence.

ARP 16.06 - Firearms and Other Weapons: Revision strengthens language and expands the policy to include ammunition, explosives, and other weapons.  It clarifies state, federal and university prohibition to carry or store firearms and other weapons.  Addresses policy applicability while representing the university at any location and when traveling to/from events. Provides for request of exemption within specific categories and limitations if authorized. It reinforces responsibility for maintaining safety, documenting activity and ongoing training requirements, reporting of violations and potential sanctions for violations. 

ARP 15.15 - Electronic Mail: Revision establishes a framework to improve security, usability, and technology integration. NMSU email as the official email address and means of communication of university business for students, faculty, staff, affiliates or any authorized individual or group is emphasized.  Informs of required standards to mitigate risk. User responsibilities and prohibited use are identified. Establishes post-employment email access termination criteria and method to request extension, under certain circumstances.  Addresses approval requirements for affiliate and third-party email service access requests.

ARP 16.75 - Unoccupied Aircraft Systems ("Drones"): Revision informs the university community members and third parties of regulatory and university requirements for requests to fly a drone on or above University Premises and in support of the university’s mission. It informs employees and third  parties of responsibilities and potential non-compliance implications.  It provides prohibited flights, circumstances for authorization requests, and restrictions when authorized.  International is added as a request consideration with required approval(s). NMSU Environmental Health, Safety and Risk Management (EHS&RM) identified as the main point of contact and, in most circumstances, the approving authority for flight operations.  Reporting, registration, insurance, and disposition requirements are provided.


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